i like drinking red wine.
i do not profess to be an expert, or even know how to taste it.
i like the warmth it gives me in winter, the flush to my face... lights off, some candles burning, soft ambient music, or slow draggy druggy drum and bass... it makes the cold nights... more lonesome... and more bearable.
i stare into my glass of wine... and it is dark, fanthomless... and when the light catches it at the right angle, the hint, the flash of red.
flirtation... seduction... passion... blood
tonight has not been a good night.
i don't know why... i finished my dinner, and just
shut up shut out shut down.
i played with the cutlery... looked at my knife, looked at the edge... feel it with my finger.
i did not feel anything.
i looked at my finger and i thought of my wrist and i wondered if i would persist in not feeling anything if i cut myself.
cut myself
somewhere in my mind, the words formed themsleves, i could visualise them.
taste them.
in this age of internet connectivity, instantaneous communication, the world evolving into a macro-organism with us the cells and the information highway the veins... what is it like, to feel... disconnected from the people
your table?
i cut my finger, opening the wine tonight.
i did not feel anything.
i saw the blood welling up, this precious fluid. it was deep red and i thought to myself, "i must have cut pretty deeply", and i licked it.
i did not taste anything.
the blood is dried now, a deep, dark brooding red diagonal slash across my finger.
it looks like wax... sealing wax.
it looks like my wine, sitting dormant in the glass, waiting to catch the right angle...
flirtation... seduction... passion... blood
wax for a life written and finished
to be sealed